Owing to Mumford HQ’s waterwheel-powered computer finally succombing to the Binary Lords above, this is to be a short and sweet post. CPU could have been salvaged were it not for the untimely disappearance of our back-up power supply, Knuckles the Rat. Knuckles has officially gone A.W.O.L. What were you thinking Knuckles!? It was your time to shine! Xerox George is currently waving a Cheesestring in the vague direction of the last confirmed sighting of Knuckles so fingers-crossed.
Please vote for Mumford & Sons in Xfm‘s New Music Award 2010!! This is basically an award up for grabs to any artist or band that has released a debut album in the past 12 months, and you can vote The Sons on to the shortlist HERE!! The winner will then be selected from a shortlist of 10 by an esteemed collection of muso types and announced in February. Not only that, but by voting, you are automatically entered into a competition that, should you win, will see you sat alongside such luminaries as Carl Barat and some kid from The Enemy, casting a final vote on the judging panel! Swish!
Voting closes on January 15th 2010 so get voting! What’s that 2000? Can you get a rewind? Of course! Vote HERE!
THANKYOU! (Sorry for shouting)