Previous posts would perhaps lend notion and weight to the idea that I am, probably, quite likely, the sort of chap that is always late. You may then be surprised to learn that I am, in truth, by and large, when all is said and done, nearly always on time. Or there abouts. Rarely early I concede, but prompt.
I try my best.
I think some things are best served late though: tea for example. Afternoon tea specifically. That’s nice late – a late afternoon tea. ‘Bout 5:30p.m. Cup of Earl Grey maybe. Beaker of squash more likely… With a pink wafer. Additive smash.
I also like my music served late… CAN YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING YET?… not too late, but later. Later than late afternoon tea, like, at around say, ten. Like at around the same time they screen Later with Jools Holland. Like about the time Mumford & Sons played Later with Jools Holland. Sort of like THIS!
Amazing scenes! Literally, amazing scenes!