As far I know, a Triple Threat is a person (non-gender specific) blessed of trophy-winning physical attractiveness, above average intelligence and a good sense of ‘humour’ – got to be well funny with the funnies to get the girls. Or boys. And you better be next level if you’re gunning for both. We’d be reluctant here at Mumford HQ to describe ourselves as anything even approaching a ‘triple threat’. Single threat, maybe – singularly non-threatening. We yearn for triple threat acceptance, there has to be a way…
Hang on. Just been told a triple threat can also simply refer to an individual that is just pretty amazing at three things. Interesting. Apparently these three things can be any things. Interesting. All’s not lost, Mumford HQ has to be at least pretty amazing at three things, we just need to figure them out…
This may take several painfully introspective and ultimately heart-breaking moments, so please do feel free to occupy your own meantime by voting for Mumford & Sons’ Little Lion Man in the amazing Triple J (or JJJ? Maybe x3J? Probably just Triple J) Hottest 100 Countdown 2009! Now that really is three things of AMAZING! The vote is open from December 21st 2009 through to January 17th 2010, and to one and all, so get voting HERE! It’s too late to win a Smash Hits Poll Winners Party award for Most Fanciable Male so this is the next best thing – it’ll be the best (early) Chinese New Year present ever! F.Y.I. Tiger.
1. Drawing 3D boxes. In pencil. Unaided by eraser or ruler.
2. See above. In pen. No Tip-Ex.
3. Superstrings and M-Theory.
…We’re in.