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Nov 11 2009 The Times Online Cover Stars! (Warning: May Contain Muppets) Whoa, hang on; Sesame St. is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary this year!? Who knew? Well, me and you I’m guessing, […] View all News

Whoa, hang on; Sesame St. is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary this year!? Who knew? Well, me and you I’m guessing, as I’m writing, and you’re reading, this on a computer (presumably… and if not, how? Call me, we’ll make millions), so it seems unlikely that this fact will have escaped us in recent weeks given that Google has hammered it home with all the subtlety of a very Big Bird.
To honour this monumental occasion, let’s rejoice in the genius of Count von Count (that name is superb), the purple prince of mathematics, and have us a little count;
Number of front covers featuring Mumford as part of this week’s The Times Online? One… Two… Three…
That’s right, THREE.
Firstly, The Sons can be seen on the main sites front page, which can be seen HERE – incredible.
Secondly, HERE, on the front of The Times Entertainment homepage – glorious.
And thirdly, right slap bang on the front of The Times Music page, HERE – marvellous.
Alternatively, by clicking HERE you can avoid all those front pages and get straight on with reading about the very exciting news that Ted will be photographing the upcoming German tour for the Times as part of an exclusive pictures feature for the paper, and where you can also get hold of an Mp3 of a stripped-back version of White Blank Page that The Times are offering, absolutely FREE!
Three covers and one Mp3? Kind of a big deal, but who’s counting…