All you need is love… And favourites. Everyone has favourites. As children we divulge and disect our favourites at great length and with greater glee; colour, food, footballer, any number of personal preferences. It’s not money that makes the world go ’round, oh no, it’s favourites. Just replace the word ‘gravity’ with ‘favourite’ in any essay or exam and you’ll be alright. I mean, you won’t, you’ll be wrong, but we’re not here to discuss my academic failings.
…I will however, seize this opportunity to discuss one area of academic disaster – GCSE French. There’s every possibilty that ‘epic fail’ was a term coined specifically to describe my French result. The examining board had to invent a another level (boo Dane boooo! We want Bobak!), a whole new world of parental pain, to mark my efforts. You’d be right in thinking that French was not a favourite subject of mine.
Which is a genuine shame: it’s extraordinarily hard to play the part of urbane sophistcate when out courting if the only francais you’re familiar with is ‘all the rude words’. Classic. I did learn one new exotic phrase recently; Festival Super Mon Amour. Good, eh? It gets better. Festival Super Mon Amour à La Maroquinerie. Impressed? Then, get a load of this…
Mumford & Sons are to play the Festival Super Mon Amour at La Maroquinerie, Paris, France this February 21st! Tres bien! Zut alors! C’est magnifique! Gonna be epic…que!
Tickets are available now HERE and HERE, and further details can be found by visting the Super! site HERE. Don’t delay, ’tis but a short train, maybe-a-ferry-if-you-don’t-get-seasick, trip away, and the festival is rad and Paris is rad and you are rad.
Adieu! *mwah mwah* (too much?)