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Nov 03 2009 The NME Chart; Dispelling The 'Charts Are Boring' Myth, Since Yesterday... Yesterday was a memorable one for a multitude of reasons: firstly, it was a Monday. Amazing. Secondly, it was the […] View all News
Yesterday was a memorable one for a multitude of reasons: firstly, it was a Monday. Amazing. Secondly, it was the 2nd of November. Unbelievable. And thirdly… did we mention it was a Monday? Perhaps (almost certainly) most important of all, it just also happened to be the day the first ever NME Chart was announced. True fax. Not only that, but an NME chart that saw Mumford & Sons’ Little Lion Man make an inaugural entrance at a very respectable and actually-quite-colossal No. 10! It’s all based on sales of only the artists featured "in the NME world" – which is the magazine, it’s radio station and it’s website apparently, which is nice.
Number TEN! Like Downing Street, but better.
You can watch all the videos featured in the Top 40 on NME TV (Sky 382) every Saturday, and you can catch a special countdown of the Top 10 songs/videos on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 9:00am and 6:00pm… that’s two potential viewings so no excuses… unless you don’t have Sky, in which case, carry on…