Oi Oi saveloy! Well, multiple saveloy really. Oi Oi pack of saveloy? What’s the correct collective noun for a saveloy? ‘Herd’ would be ridiculous, so we must therefore assume it as, clearly, a murder of saveloys.
Look out lips, here’s the chips…
By now, you will have no doubt correctly guessed Mumford HQ to be the quintessential English gent; born in a bowler hat and raised on an Oxford-weave estate. I take pride in my tea and strides in my whites. I reject advances in the modern age: I fix my ties with Windsor knots and my woes with stoical silence. I take even further pride in my ability to obsess-to-the-point-of-lunacy (indeed, deviancy) about the weather. Come rain or shine, there I be found, before flickering screen, waiting patiently (naturally) for the Ceefax weather update.
I measure my life not in days, weeks, months or years, but in kilopascals, watts, centigrades and fahrenheits. The markers on my journey to the grave are laid in inches not memories. Inches of mercury…
We all know how mercury works, right? When something is hot, mercury goes up, right? So how hot does something have to be to go up for a Mercury…? Really hot? Hot like pure fiyah? Hot like The Sons?
Roasty toasty for realzy steezy, Mumford & Sons have been shortlisted for the Mercury Music Prize!!
This is MASSIVE news! Official wording for the sticklers: ‘Sigh No More; 2010 Barclay Card Mercury Prize – An Album of The Year’. Brrrraapp!
Huge hurrahs and convivial congratulations to the boys and all involved, and here’s to you September and your pregnant potential!!