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Nov 27 2009 Shepherd's Bush Empire: Extra Date Added! We’re often asked what’s with the name Mumford & Sons; principally, ‘Why are you called Mumford and Sons?’, and, ‘If […] View all News

We’re often asked what’s with the name Mumford & Sons; principally, ‘Why are you called Mumford and Sons?’, and, ‘If Mumford & Sons were a shop, what would it be? Butchers? Bakers? Candlestick makers?’ – none of the above, though apparently there is a Mumford & Sons Butchers somewhere trivia fans. Most guess at furniture removal. This is either;
A. Amazing, if based on observations of physique, stamina and lifting prowess
B. Terrible, if based on dropping priceless artefact abilities
Either way, also wrong. The family business is actually that of relationship counsellors. Generations of agony Aunts, Uncles and now Sons – though technically, nephews – passing on expert knowledge gleaned from centuries of wining and dining, and loving and fighting. One pearl of wisdom for you: never kiss on a first date, it’s all about the mystique. Second date? Get wild. Mystique out the window. So-so-so scandalous…
Wow, reckless words. The second night at Shepherd’s Bush Empire is gonna be fun fun fun!
What’s that you say? SECOND night!? That’s right! After the first show at SBE sold out in record time, M&S HQ are proud to announce that The Sons have added a second date, on the 14th of March! What are you waiting for, tickets are up for grabs NOW! Go, go, go…!!