As you may remember, The Sons were regretfully and reluctantly forced to cancel their Rome gig recently owing to Marcus succombing to a particularly vicious bought of tonsilitus; his angered and enraged tonsils – like two tiny teenagers – flared up in a fit of petulance, wreaking havoc upon the family throat. Typical teen-like tonsil behaviour, classic.
Fortunately, the hormonal fog of adolescence has lifted and the tearaway tonsils have matured into a pair of fine, glistening grown-up glands any parent would be proud of. So fit and healthy once more, it is with great delight that we can now announce that the rescheduled show is to take place on 15th July 2010 once again at the origial venue, Rome’s Circolo Degli Artisti!
This makes us, and we hope you, very happy indeed, and we’d like again to say a massive THANK YOU to all the fans who’d made lengthy (and even not so lengthy) journeys to the show and in the face of cancellation were fantastically understanding, gracious and kind.
Tickets go on sale this Thursday (27/05/10) – get your tickets HERE and HERE… Enjoy the show!
Buona giornata!