…No, no, not the 5th of November, that was ages ago, probably almost a ‘month’ nearly – though there’s no way of every knowing, not really – but this;
"The Sons happened by the studios of Radio 2 yesterday, so popped in for a chat with old friends Radcliffe and Maconie, and to play a couple of pieces of music for both of them and all of you – including a rather splendid cover of The Beatles’ Carry That Weight – as part of the first ever Live Lounge On 2! Marvellous. And rather worth a listen, even if we do say so ourselves… And we do"
…Remember that? ‘Course you do. Well, now you can see the live session with your own two eyes over on the BBC site… ForwardslashRadio2forwardslashShowsforwardslashetcetcetcetc
They also Twitter. Follow them. No idea where they are going. Or why. If you get lost, you’re on your own. Literally.