Just to let you folks know: those of you who are signed up to the newsletter should be receiving your pre-sale codes shortly, in time for it’s commencement at 9am PST/12pm EST today. Otherwise, more generally, the general ticket sale will be begin tomorrow – Wednesday – at 9am PST/12pm EST at railroadrevivaltour.com (find details of what will be included with your ticket over there too).
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April 21 Oakland, CA @ Middle Harbor Shoreline Park
pre-sale link + 6W4QUG / 6W4QUG / F7TRB8
April 22 San Pedro, CA @ Ports O’Call Village
pre-sale link + C474BR / RD7RZ9 / GNLVD3
April 23 Chandler, AZ @ Arizona Railway Museum
pre-sale link + EKD9CK / 32NG9K / LRQ3RJ
April 24 Marfa, TX @ El Cosmico
pre-sale link + Q4BTY2 / 85SPWT / 24RNT7
April 26 Austin, TX @ Cap Metro Parking Lot
pre-sale link + 96KC4P / LXJHXQ / 73PSXQ
April 27 New Orleans, LA @ Woldenberg Park
pre-sale link + PJKG6E / 5D7N4C / N6SY9R