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Jul 02 2010 New EP: Mumford & Sons, Laura Marling and Dharohar Project *05.07.10 Update: Hmmmm… You may have noticed this ain’t available on iTunes yet – but hang tight! There have been […] View all News

*05.07.10 Update: Hmmmm… You may have noticed this ain’t available on iTunes yet – but hang tight! There have been a few hitches, however it is on its way. We’ll keep you posted as soon as it’s up. x *
Writing these updates and mailers is all well and good. I mean, I feel as though we’re connecting, you know? Bonding. But it’s binary-bonding. It’s all codes, all numbers. ‘111100010101000000 M&S HQ x’. Is it real? I want to reach out to you, to touch you… If we can’t embrace, then at least let’s show our shiny faces, eh? I’m not suggesting you send pictures into Mumford HQ, that’d be weird… And possibly illegal. These waters have witnessed some mailing list larks in the far, dark past and I won’t be dragged there again, I won’t! I can’t! I’ll have no part in it! But what if you could see me? How can We. Make. This. Happen? Imagine a world of TV mailers! Imagine you didn’t read, but watched this mailer, on your television! But how would it look? I like to think, a little bit like this…


Enter M&S HQ. Tall, handsome – crescendo of laughter left in my walking wake hints at my well good sense of humour – wearing a suit; black tie vibes, white glove flava, lacing moves on all the single ladies. Mysterious platter in hand; silver tray intrigue baby. On it sits an envelope. A ravishing blonde takes the sealed note seductively and opens it gratefully. Beautiful blue eyes scan the words before she breathlessly and excitedly reads aloud…


"Monsieur Mumford HQ, with this iTunes UK-only EP release featuring The Sons and Laura Marling performing FOUR brand new tracks alongside traditional Rajasthani folk collection Dharohar Project you are really spoiling us!"




Come get yours when this gold-wrapped treat becomes officially available for download from iTunes UK on the 5th of July!! 


Tracklist smash:


1. Devil’s Spoke / Sneh Ko Marg

2. To Darkness / Kripa – listen to a preview clip the band’s Myspace player

3. Anmol Rishtey

4. Mehendi Rachi


You can also watch a preview video, featuring footage from the India tour, here…



I’ve heard this EP and it is beyond amazing! Believe. And cos there ain’t no party like an ambassador’s party, you might like to know that you can get all up in the live grill at the following embassies (not actually embassies):


July 9thiTunes Festival at The Roundhouse, London UK 


July 12thSt. George’s Hall, Bradford UK


Monday’s the day, UK.


M&S HQ x