"Oh hi, hi, how ar… Yeah, yeah, I’m good thanks, how’re you… Sweet… Hey, er, um, what’re you up to tomorrow night? Cool, ’cause I was thinking, you know, maybe me and you, we could do something…? I don’t know, like, thought, maybe we could hang out, watch some TV? They’re showing Friday the 13th Part III on Channel Four, we could watch that? Yeah? Sweet… Nice. Oh, and there’s this thing on afterwards too, at like, 12:10am, 4Music Intros or something I think it’s called… No, no, it’s really good, they’ve got that Mumford & Sons on it this week… No? They’re amazing, seriously, so good, think you’d really love them… Okay, cool, and like, If you do, maybe we could go catch a gig, or a show, or you know, whatever, see them live I mean… Like a date or something? Okay… Not a date… But I’ll see you Saturday, though right? Hello… Hello…?"