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Nov 16 2017 Message from Mumford & Sons Management A fan has reached out to us to say that they have been the subject of ongoing bullying by other […] View all News

A fan has reached out to us to say that they have been the subject of ongoing bullying by other fans. The band have already stated very clearly via a statement on their forum on May 26th 2016 that bullying of any sort is completely unacceptable in this community.

As management we would like to back up that statement by saying that we are very upset to hear reports that certain people are purporting either to represent management or have the ear of management.

It is no secret who manages Mumford & Sons, our names are listed on our company website www.everybody-s.com. If you don’t hear from one of these people then you are not speaking to management and you should be very suspicious of anybody else who is claiming to represent the band.

If you suspect anyone of posing as a representative of the band, or you feel bullied by other fans please do not hesitate to write to willis@gentlemenoftheroad.com and your email will be dealt with in complete confidence (by us!).

Thank you,

Adam Tudhope and Beth Warren
Mumford & Sons’ Management