Do you have a room with a view? If you’re stood within eyeshot of a window, what’s your view like? I’m not gonna lie to you, ours is a bit rubbish... And that’s when we can get close enough to the window to actually snatch a glance out; there’s a pigeon that chills on the ledge beneath the pane. We don’t get on. When I say ‘chills’ I mean goes mental, and when I say ‘pigeon’ I mean enormous half bird/half hound-of-hell uber-eagle with a penchant for flesh. Oh no… It’s blates eaten Knuckles… R.I.P Knuckles. End of an era.
We need a new pet.
What we really need is a new view. A scene of unimaginable beauty. Of far afield lands and far away seas. Of four dapper gents of Indian descent dressed in full Toy Town military regalia.
We need the brand new video for The Sons’ third single The Cave, and we need it now!
I still have absolutely no idea what "Come out of the cave standing on your hands" means, asides the literal, but I have a pretty good idea that this new video is BRILLIANT! It has mopeds in it! Bloody mopeds! Everywhere! Check it out exclusively over at the Guardian!