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Dec 08 2009 India My Dear, My Dear India! Alight the flight chaps, and set down foot and baggage on India’s beautiful land! Put your hands up for Mumbai, […] View all News

Alight the flight chaps, and set down foot and baggage on India’s beautiful land!
Put your hands up for Mumbai, a lovely city! Wait, Wait! Mumbai… Mumford… Stars align! It’s the great coming together of the two ‘Mums’! As is written in the book of HQ iCal! Oh, how long we’ve waited! At least weeks, maybe even a month, and now it is here: Mumbaiford! This is going to be spectacular – and not in that, ‘talk something up because it actually isn’t going to be that spectacular’ non-spectacular kind-of-way, but actually spectacular! Of course, Mumford HQ only knows this second hand, writing as we do from a small cubby hole in… Where are we? It’s been so long since… What month is this? Who is King? Wha’ happened?
The Sons will be documenting their every waking move for the good ship Spinner, where you’ll have access to their AOL Tour Diary, bringing you exclusive journal action, exclusive picture action and exclusive video action! Basically loads of quality action entertainment from the trip, so make sure you swing by Spinner daily to get a (healthy) fix! And yes, I’ve linked to Spinner* TWICE, it’s that spectacular. (*THRICE!)
Just prior to lift off, Marcus ‘Marcus Mumford’ Mumford did a little interview with the very same Spinner to talk about how this grand old adventure came about, his expectations, his excitement and a few other related tid-bits – you can read the grilling in full here… Enjoy!