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Jun 05 2012 Gentlemen of the Road Stopover in the USA: ticket update So wow, tickets for the first US Gentlemen of the Road Stopover in Portland in 2 month’s time are now […] View all News

So wow, tickets for the first US Gentlemen of the Road Stopover in Portland in 2 month’s time are now sold out! How very exciting.
If you want to come and join the good times in Bristol, VA/TN on 11th August or Monterey, CA on 25th August you are in luck as there are still some tickets available via gentlemenoftheroad.com. You can find all the information about the locations and wonderful line-ups over there too.
For those of you hoping to attend the Stopover in Dixon, IL on 18th August – and the only camping Stopover so far at that – tickets will be going on sale this Saturday 9th June at 10am local time also via gentlemenoftheroad.com.
A huge thank you to everyone who’s bought tickets for these very special events so far! Both the band and all at ‘HQ are very excited to be seeing all of you there.
M&S HQ x