We’ve announced mad heaps festivals on this website over the past few months, each and all by in large pretty good, with the possible exception of the Obscure Fruits Festival – don’t remember it? You wouldn’t, it was that obscure. So obscure in fact, that it never even existed, ’cause I just made it up. Post-modern madness…?
This particular festival I’m sharing with you now however, didn’t fall to us to announce – falling instead just beyond my jurisdiction, by roughly the width of a single Wyatt Earp whisker, that’s approx. 0.93mm FYI – but I can proudly bellow it’s brilliance now. I am of course, talking about the wonderful Hop Farm Festival!
Royal Tunbridge Wells‘ most famous festival, as voted for by Mumford HQ! The Sons are gonna be playing main support come Saturday, 3rd of July to some new flash-in-the-pan-fella-or-other. Now I’m not hot on the old, ‘new’ music, so forgive me if I spell his name wrong… Bob Dylan is it?
Bob Dylan!?
Tickets are available from the official site NOW! As well as from other ticket agents! Fix up, book sharp!