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Apr 06 2010 Funny Names and Festivals and Funny-Named Festivals Let’s get the important stuff out of the way early on in the game: did anyone actually see the Easter […] View all News

Let’s get the important stuff out of the way early on in the game: did anyone actually see the Easter Bunny? No? Sigh, then the search goes on. Though with each passing year my faith in the furry fellow disappears further and further down a dark rabbit hole. Show yourself to the doubters! I believe!
I don’t believe. I’m being facetious. Acting the fool, playing for the LOL’s. I’m also rather neatly segueing into another festival announcement, blink and you’ll miss it… You may already have… Let’s press on…
Spring’s done, finished, over. Well, at least in my mind it is, but then, I have the attention span of a… Nope, I’ve gone, I’m bored… I’m thinking about Summer, a Summer that will now see Mumford & Sons playing for the LOLlapalooza Festival*! This is – in-keeping with the tenuous theme of yoof speak – AMAZEBALLS**!
Taking place over the weekend of the 6th – 8th August, in Chicago‘s Grant Park, this year’s line-up is nothing short of spectacular and can be seen in full HERE!
Advance and ‘Early Bird’ tickets have already sold out, but fear not, you can still get your chocolate-stained digits on – ‘Tardy Bird’? – tickets HERE! Ooh, VIP tickets still available if you want to live the D.R.E.A.M!
Do not ‘um’ and ‘ah’ on this one, it’s got SOLD OUT all over it…
*There it was! ‘LOL’s/LOLlapalooza’!
**’Amazeballs’ – haha, amazeball!