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Nov 13 2009 Everybody In Love/The Guardian Music Weekly Podcast Put Your Hands Up' - JLS, 2009 "’It’s Friday! Hurrah!’ *sigh* Forced fun, eh? Is there anything worse? Far as I’m concerned you can file Friday afternoons […] View all News

"’It’s Friday! Hurrah!’ *sigh* Forced fun, eh? Is there anything worse? Far as I’m concerned you can file Friday afternoons alongside New Year’s Eves and SingStar as the worst culprits for holding you hostage to a ‘good time’…"
Hush up grump and get a load of this; Mumford & Sons are the featured band this week in the Guardian’s Music Weekly podcast! Who needs Crunchies for that ‘Friday Feeling’ when you’ve got The Sons talking all things music, discussing great works of literature and just generally having a solid chin-wag with the show’s lovely hosts, Paul MacInnes and Rosie Swash? No man, woman or beast that’s who… And not only that, the ‘cast also includes a very special, live and stripped-back performance The Sons recorded exclusively for the occasion!
You can listen to the show and download the podcast from the site, which is over there… No, not here… Right a bit… Bit more… Bit more… right HERE !
Have a good weekend!