If not for fine fortune and a little endeavour, we Sons may well have found ourselves travelling very different roads: were it not for the various interventions of higher hands and trusted guides we could’ve been bad guys – the very worst, each of us contemptible, criticised and cursed; an ailing mob masterminded by a failing Fat Sam… All this could definitely have happened… It feels as though it may actually have, in another time and another place, and I think Dexter Fletcher was there… Odd.
Or teachers. We could have been teachers! So noble the educator. Imagine a crisp September morning, first period, English language – ‘The cliché’. And there could surely be no finer example to inscribe upon the blackboard than, ‘The best things in life are free…’.
How fitting then, that we are giving away a hyper-modern Mp3 of a re-recorded ‘Sister’ absolutely free via our new website! Okay, it may not be the best thing in your life, but it is free, so, you know, close enough.