Update 15.03.12: The location for this event has graduated to the University Of Texas, specificially their LBJ Lawn at 2313 Red River Street, Austin, TX 78705. You can walk, ride or take the Metro to the event or parking is available for $10. Just a heads-up also that all bags will be subject to a search so be sure not bring any of the prohibited items listed down below.*
News just in… To celebrate the film of the Railroad Revival Tour ‘Big Easy Express’ we are very pleased to confirm details of a second screening in Austin from 8pm on Saturday 17th March, following the film’s official SXSW premiere earlier in the day.
Mumford & Sons, along with Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros and a few members from Old Crow Medicine, will all be there at the Austin High School Athletic Field the Univsersity Of Texas’ LBJ Lawn at 2313 Red River Street, Austin, TX 78705. where the screening will take place.
Instruments will be in tow for a little live music following the film too – as a thanks to The University of Texas for the temporary loan of the lawn, the local community for allowing, nay, actively supporting such events and to all of the peoplez out there who have supported the film.
To apply for free tickets you need to go to
Myspace.com/bigeasyexpress and RSVP, then keep your fingers and toes crossed for an email confirmation.
If you do not live in close proximity to Austin, well. A live stream of the concert will be broadcast through Myspace.com from 9:15pm CST on the day and an HD version will be available to view through the following day. Not bad, this internet thing.
*Prohibited items:
- Prohibited items include:
- Weapons of any kind
- Illegal substances of any kind
- Alcohol
- Framed or large backpacks
- Glass containers
- Food and Beverages
- Skateboards, scooters or personal motorized vehicles
- Bicycles inside concert grounds (bike parking is available near each entrance)
- Carts of any kind (including Red Wagons)
- Large chains or spiked jewelry
- Fireworks
- Explosives
- Large umbrellas
- Coolers
- Chairs
- Hard-sided coolers
- Tents
- Pets (except service dogs)
- Video equipment. No video recording will be allowed.
- Professional still camera equipment. No professional zoom lenses, stands, tripods or commercial use rigs
- Audio recording equipment
- Unauthorized solicitations, handbills, sampling, give-aways, etc
- Metal aerosol containers, including sunscreen