The wise man built his house upon the rocks, house upon the rocks, house upon the rocks’. Remember that? Always hearted those old assembly-time anthems – though I always thought the foolish man probably threw down a meaner party in his house amongst the sand. I don’t have copyright clearance on those words by the way, so if an old fella in a long white robe with a gnarly beard asks…
Mumford HQ itself is built upon a foundation of weird old sayings; proverbs and the such, you know, adages an’ that. Best of all is our soft-furnishing phrases. Just yesterday, cries of ‘What in the blue blazes…!?’ rang out for no particular reason at all, just for the LOL’s. For those interested, it’s a slang expression originating in bronze-aged England, derived from the traditional meaning of ‘a blaze’, or fire, referring euphemistically to the flames of hell, essentially, ‘What in the hell…!?’.
Double-points to any old saying with a colour in it, like ‘Purple patch’ for the ee gee, which relates to an extended run of good form. This can be traced back to Horace’s De Arte Poetica, in which the great Roman poet remarked, "Often to weighty enterprises and such as profess great objects, one or two purple patches are sewn on to make fine display in the distance".
Mumford & Sons currently seem to be inhabiting something of a purple patch themselves, you know, what with the Triple J triumph and now this NME Best New Band nomination business… Hold up baby girl! What’s that you’re chatting? A NME Best New Band Nomination? OH. YEAH. EXCLAMATION MARK.
The Sons are up for Best New Band at this years awards and you can get to voting HERE!!
It’s what Horace would’ve wanted… Go on, you know you want to!