We here at Mumford HQ are in absolutely no position to discuss matters of the heart. Each and every one of us – and when I refer to ‘each and everyone of us’, you understand I’m referring to me, right? I mean, despite my clever slight-of-word, there is no one else, you know that, right? This isn’t Shutter Island people – is forever teetering on the cusp of total heart-meltdown; us all, natural romantics, rendering us incapable of dispatching even the simplest slice of un-biased advice.
However, we will say this: don’t always be yourself. If you like a girl, but she doesn’t like you, but she likes the kid with long hair and an earing, grow your hair son! Grab that safety pin son and pierce that ear ’til you cry out in pain, pass out in agony and are found by your Mum in the family bathroom, ear dipped lobe-deep in a TCP/crushed aspirin solution and tear-stained face telling the shameful tale that will be told every Christmas from now until time’s end… Why won’t you let it go Mum!? For the love of…
Anyway, on to a subject matter I feel at far greater ease discussing, matters of music. Music matters, if you will. Or if you also will, Why Music Matters.
So, why does music matter? Tricky. Fortunately, a rather fine (and presumably handsome) collection of musos (including Sigur Ros, Nick Cave and Kate Bush), and (presumably less handsome) labels, managers and retailers all got together to extol the virtues of music, to re-introduce the idea of music as a precious commodity and highlight how to identify legitimate sources of music online, keeping it precious. Now, they could have gone about this by all matter (thanks) of means – newsletterpostercampaignwhatever – but instead commissioned the aforementioned artists to produce a series of videos recounting personal events explaining exactly why, to them, music really is all that matters.
I find this to be rather great. We hope you do too. We also hope you find the VIDEO we have selected for your viewing pleasure to be equally great; it tells the story of Sigur Ros, walking up a mountain, then walking back down again. Doesn’t sound amaze agreed, but it led to the recording of ( ), so in your face naysayer!
Speaking of faces, why not get involved with the Why Music Matters Facebook group! And not-speaking of birds, why not follow the unfolding events over the coming months on Twitter!
To summise: music matters! Videos are wicked! Push the ceiling!