Growing up, a lot is made of what is right and what is wrong; the tough hide of our parents governance was stretched taught over a skeleton of rigid laws – laws that oft give life to howls of injustice as the voices of a thousand tiny Davids scream ‘It’s not fair!’ into the faces of unrelenting parents and their Goliath-sized final word. Indeed, the issue of fairness is a far murkier pond in the garden of infant development, where, in the place of starkly contrasting blacks and whites of right and wrong, the child finds a swirling pool of grayscale, capillary waves of confusion lapping at the psyche’s edge.
What’s that you say Mum? Life isn’t fair? Cheers. Well helpful. Well fact too. Sadly, you don’t need a hawk’s hindsight to see in adulthood just how firmly that sentiment stands true. But do you know what? If you’re finding life unfair, then you should also find some solace in the fact that you’re not alone… After all, who doesn’t? It’s the great leveller – except death of course… and spirit levels HAHAHA – so let’s not dwell on the unfair and instead rejoice in the fair…
…In this instance, the Mumford & Sons Winter Fair! Yessir, The Sons are a festive cocktail of proud-as-punch and pleased-as-pudding (made that one up) to announce that the
2nd of December will see them take to
St. Martin-In-The-Fields in
Trafalgar Square to perform a ridiculously special Christmas show for you all! I say ‘all’, there are only 150 tickets available for this seasonal spectacular so fix-up like a Wise Man, look sharp like St. Nick, and get all over these tickets like reindeer on roofs… That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, what I’m trying to say is don’t sleep on these tickets like a baby in a manger… Forget it, just make sure you buy a
*Sorry guys, but the Winter Show is now totally SOLD OUT – no tickets are available at the door*