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Dec 03 2009 Absolutely Amazing Absolute Radio Mumford Comp!! It’s always ‘you, you, you’ – what about me? Oh sure, you like Mumford & Sons. You like Absolute Radio. […] View all News

It’s always ‘you, you, you’ – what about me? Oh sure, you like Mumford & Sons. You like Absolute Radio. You do?! Then you are going to LOVE this! Over to you, person from Absolute Radio…


"You could win one of two pairs of tickets to hear Mumford & Sons perform at the unique chapel in the House of St. Barnabas on Friday December the 4th, as part of the Absolute Radio Christams Special Sessions. Proceedings will be starting at around 1:00pm, though please be available to arrive at 12:30pm to be sure of enjoying some festive nibbles and mince pies, and entry into the venue before the gig begins.


To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the following question;


‘What is the name of the current album by Mumford & Sons?’


Email your answer to websiteadmin@absoluteradio.co.uk with the subject line ‘Mumford’. Please include your full name, a contact email address you’ll have access to on Thursday evening, and your mobile phone number.


Entries close at 5:30pm on Thursday December 3rd 2009. If you’re not lucky enough to attend the session, you’ll be able to see the session in FULL on the Absolute Radio site, from Monday"


Very well put person from Absolute Radio. Sounds wonderful to us. If we were you, we’d enter.


