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Dec 09 2009 Absolute Radio and NokiaMusic Videoramaramarama! Mumford HQ remembers with vivid affection the day the first video rental shop opened in our tiny provincial town… The […] View all News

Mumford HQ remembers with vivid affection the day the first video rental shop opened in our tiny provincial town… The mighty Ritz Rentals.
Wall after wall of straight-to-video manna; solid celluloid gold at every turn – the Wayans brother’s I’m Gonna Git You Sucka! repping hard. A mock blaxploitation masterpiece of modern cinema. Nowhere else in all of Hollywood’s long and illustrious history will you find a man’s death attributed to an OG… as in "Overdose of Gold". Of course, at the time, such items were beyond the reach of curious little hands, and we had to make do with Pete’s Dragon. Always Pete’s Dragon. Don’t get me wrong, Pete’s Dragon is a charming mixture of live-action and animated mayhem, and it’s got a dragon with a purple bowl-cut in it , so it is, by default, a bit awesome. But do you know what it doesn’t have? Isaac ‘Hammer’ Hayes.
Those days are long since gone. Blockbuster invaded and reigned supreme. Then the internet dropped the download bomb and rained supremely on Blockbuster’s parade. Politics. You’re best out of it. And I’m throwing you a life-line: forget cinema, video, DVD, Blueray and your torrents, Mumford & Sons have got your back!
First off, we have a video of the boys appearance on, and indeed performance for, Absolute Radio’s Christmas session, available for you to watch here – and it’s a little cracker (just deal with it), so what are you waiting for!?
Second up is a rather splendid NokiaMusic ‘Music We Like’ interview: The Sons answered questions on a whole host of subjects, so if you want to know what the band’s favourite songs, guilty pleasures and ‘much more’ are, bow down to the Scandinavian Gods of mobile communication and watch the exclusive video here!