Change of pace today. Shaking things up, keeping the cakes fresh. Coming out swinging. Swinging like that time at school when that kid bare dropped some dread on you, cussed you out cold and cut you deep with some junior jive, chatting some rank about you being a bed-wetter, and you were like, ‘Momma said knock you out’, and you just started swinging them little arms like a teeny turbine, and you were like, ‘POW! Take that Charlotte Jenkins!’. But then she was all like, ‘brown belt, white tag BLAM!’ and straight round-housed you on a Chun Li tip. ‘Member that?.
So yeah, the idea was that I’d fill you in on the knowledge first, then, you know, babble in the post-knowledge paragraphs, giving you the option of wading through the waffle to reach the mysterious City of Golden Wisdom, or just sacking it off. Hasn’t worked out exactly as I’d imagined, I’ll be honest, Best laid plans and all that. Still, as per our earlier interaction, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches…
Or a stone.
Dragon Punch in your face Jenkins!
You can now viddy the brand new viddy for The Sons’ amazing new single Roll Away Your Stone over at the Mumford & Sons official YouTube Channel… HERE! Pure amazing!!