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Dec 07 2015 A NOTE FROM WINSTON: HOMME LESS – TOMPKINS SQUARE PARK In the belly of Manhattan every type of everybody is living on top of each other, swarming in and out […] View all News

In the belly of Manhattan every type of everybody is living on top of each other, swarming in and out of each other’s lives. Sometimes, a lot of the time, you’re face-to-face with these people and moments later you wouldn’t have noticed. Even living there, somehow you barely know the half of it, I didn’t.

Thomas Wirthensohn made a film we love, Homme Less. It follows a close neighbour of mine at the time, Mark, a neighbour I never met, but inevitably we’d have brushed shoulders several times.  Mark is one of the many men that make New York what it is, and Thomas’ film is a perfect portrait of the beast that the city is. He kindly used his footage and put it against our song Tompkins Square Park, also the neighbourhood in which Mark and I lived.

Here it is… 

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Homme Less is available now on iTunes: US | UK

Website: www.homme-less.com