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May 26 2011 A bit about The Flowerpot Sessions All is seemingly and unusually quiet on the Mumford & Sons front for a brief spell. However rest assured; things […] View all News

All is seemingly and unusually quiet on the Mumford & Sons front for a brief spell. However rest assured; things have been bubbling away nicely beyond the gaze of the w.w.web. And in particular Ben has been hard at work on one of his latest projects for Communion – the label he co-founded with Kev Jones and Ian Grimble – The Flowerpot Sessions. You can take a look at the artwork and read a bit more about the project below.



View the full tracklisting and pre-order at HMV | Townsend
 The Flowerpot Sessions took place during a week of blissful sunshine last summer and was a genuinely unique ‘were-you-there?/I-was-there’ experience. Ben, Kev and Ian invited a whole bunch of musicians and friends down to the North London pub (sadly now closed, but reincarnated as The Wheelbarrow a little up the road) where artists – including Sarah Blasko, Marcus Foster, Matthew & The Atlas, Mt. Desolation, Pete Roe and loads more – collaborated by day and performed together by night. All of the ‘Sons themselves did in fact either play or watch at various points throughout the week.


Anyway, now the album is wrapped ready to be released on 30th May. There’s a special edition version that comes with a DVD documentary too, if that tickles your fancy, and when you ‘got the time, take a little look at the very cool animated and especially dedicated website www.flowerpot.communionmusic.co.uk.


You can also find out more in this video interview with the Communion boys here.